Safety Of Targeted Therapies In A Cohort Of Paraguayan Patients: Data From Biobadaguay
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Drug Survival Of Biologic And Targeted Synthetic Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Therapies In Patients With Inflammatory Arthritis: Data From Four Countries Of Latin America
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Patterns Of Use Of Biologic Dmards And Small Molecules In Patients With Inflammatory Arthritis: Combined Data From Four Countries Of Latin America
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Safety Of Targeted Therapies In Immune Mediated Inflammatory Diseases: Combined Data From Four Countries Of Latin America
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G. Ávila Pedretti, N. Cabrera-Rojas, D. Cordovilla, Melgarejo, L. Román, Z. Morel, S. Cabrera Villalba, M. Albanese, D. Palleiro, V. Valinotti, R. Acosta, S. Consani11, P. Babak3, M. Zanotti-Cavazzoni, M. Haguindeguy, G. Barteshagi, J. Borja, R. Rolón, M. Bertola, P. Velázquez, R. Glizt1, M. Vázquez, I. Acosta, A. Ramagli, E. Paredes1, M. Calegari10, M. Franco, M. Martínez, J. Elizaur, and P. de Abreu
BIOBADAGUAY: Current registry status
Avila G, Melgarejo P, Cabrera N, Cabrera S, Morel Z, Román L, Babak P, Valinotti V, Acosta R, Glitz R, Rolón R, Borja JF, Cordovilla DO, Zanotti M, Segovia L, Vázquez M, Franco M, Delgadillo P, Acosta MI, Martínez C, Elizaur JG, Romero T, Paredes E, De Abreu P.
Darwin Cordovilla, Daniel Palleiro, and Paloma De Abreu
Incidence of infections with biological therapies in paraguayan children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Biobadaguay (biological therapies adverse events paraguayan-uruguayan register)
Morel Z; de Abreu P; Acosta I; Avila G; Cabrera S
Biologic therapy safety data from biobadaguay, the paraguayan-uruguayan registry of adverse event
Franco M; Avila G; Cabrera S; Morel Z; Delgadillo P; Cordovilla D; Paredes E; Mazzoleni J; de Abreu P;
Survival of biological therapies according to withdraw. Data from the biobadaguay registry
Melgarejo P; Avila G; Morel Z; Delgadillo P; Acosta I; Cabrera S; Roman L; Paredes E; Mazzoleni J; de Abreu P
Effectiveness of biological therapy in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in paraguayan children
Morel Z; Avila G; Delgadillo P; Franco M; Cabrera S; de Abreu P; Mazzoleni J
Efficacy of anti-tnf biological agents in children with refractory uveitis to conventional treatment
Morel Z; Delgadillo P; Franco M; Elizaur JG; Solalinde N; Miers R; de Abreu P; Mazzoleni J
Biological Therapies Adverse Effects at the Instituto Nacional de Reumatologi´a del Uruguay (INRU)
Journal of Clinical Rheumatology, v. 24, p. 82-83, 2018
Biological therapies survival in adults and juvenile onset arthritis. data from biobadaguay registry
Avila G; Morel Z; Cabrera N; Cabrera S; Acosta I; Babak P; Melgarejo P; Elizaur JG; Franco M; Delgadillo P; Cordovilla D; Losanto J; Roman L; Paredes E; Mazzoleni J; de Abreu P
Biological therapies retention rate in two sudamerican countries. data from biobadaguay registry
Avila G; Melgarejo P; Franco M; Morel Z; Elizaur JG; Delgadillo P; Acosta I; Cabrera S; Cordovilla D; Losanto J; Roman L; Paredes E; Mazzoleni J; de Abreu P
Biological therapy adverse events in Biobadaguay registry
Franco M; Morel Z; Avila G; Cabrera S; Acosta I; Babak P; Melgarejo P; Elizaur JG; Delgadillo P; Cordovilla D; Losanto J; Roman L; Paredes E; Mazzoleni J; de Abreu P
XVIII Congreso de la Liga Panamericana de Asociaciones de Reumatología: PANLAR 2014 .